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The Full Story

Since the end of 2015, both Sun-Hi and Ji-Seon ushered in their love for fashion and lifestyle photography through a previous blog known by Vogue Prodigy. However, as the slow rise of the Pandemic of 2020, upholding the name and content of said blog became somewhat of a struggle, and so, with a final look, they said goodbye.

With sudden inspiration and their unwavering dedication, the two Co-Owners set out to begin anew, and thus Piece of Seoul was established. Since 2015 it has been their vocation, and this is the realization of that lifelong dream. Bursting with creativity and soul, we hope that through work we may be able wish to pass that along.

Making their way onto the map with stunning photography, unique blogging styles and otherworldly fashion options, Piece of Seoul  has slowly begun to make their mark. We've been keeping busy lately with passion projects as well as some commissioned work, but are always looking for new opportunities. For information about collaborations and our availability for other projects, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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